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Previous discussion was archived at Talk:VisualEditor/Archive 1 on 2015-09-01.

VisualEditor's "convert" button uses Citoid to damage citations

Folly Mox (talkcontribs)

This thread on en.wp is the story of a 70k+ editcount editor hitting "convert" over and over in VisualEditor and causing the loss of information from existing citations. Plenty of diffs in the thread. I don't know whether this problem comes from Citoid's output or from VisualEditor not checking existing template parameters to ensure it's not deleting anything, so crossposting to both talkpages. Folly Mox (talk) 11:25, 14 May 2024 (UTC)

Noleander (talkcontribs)

This flaw is heartbreaking.

An article I created was impacted by this: a user used the "Convert" button in visual editor, and they thought they were "improving" the article ... and the edit convinced them it was better (citation in footnote looked cleaner). The user did not realize that the Citoid script was deleting some information from the citation!!!! (usually author name, publication date, publisher name, ... but also other data).

My article lost data from about five citations (about 1/3 of those that Convert script was applied to). But the user that used Convert script has done over 50,000 edits with that tool (I think that # is correct, I have not confirmed it). Does that mean that perhaps 10,000 citations have had data deleted?

This needs to be addressed ASAP !! [Signed user Noleander, cannot get signature to work here]

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Cite, requirement of sources?

LittleGun (talkcontribs)

I am no programmer or website creator, so please pardon my very layman language.

When using the automatic cite-tool in VisualEditor the result from the source vary. I had the following result using just the url to a random article for New York Times and a random article from Swedish source Sveriges Radio:

The New York Times article is perfect. The Sveriges Radio have at least the following problems: "Sveriges Radio" is interpreted as the author (first and last name). sverigesradio.se should be written as Sveriges Radio". This error from Sveriges Radio is very consequent.

Many other Swedish sources works as badly, but others dont. Among the once working fine are many small local papers. That has led me to believe there is some standard or harmonised guideline for how to fill in a header for web pages, that is not very work intensive. And that Visual Editor uses this standardized way.

What should I tell the webmaster at Sveriges Radio, so they can standardise and harmonice its headers in the same way?

LittleGun (talkcontribs)

Maybe there is no use to try to discuss with webasters?

What, and how, can a user do to improve the VisualEditor source tool to interpret information from sources?

LittleGun (talkcontribs)

Hmm. Not a word. Have I posted this in the wrong place?

Folly Mox (talkcontribs)

User:LittleGun, the citation generation backend for VisualEditor is Citoid. The output of this library is deeply unreliable for many webpages for a number of reasons. There's some history of discussion at Talk:Citoid from around a year ago, but it doesn't seem like much has changed in the interim. Folly Mox (talk) 11:28, 14 May 2024 (UTC)

Reply to "Cite, requirement of sources?"

On MW1.40 setting $wgReadOnly breaks VisualEditor

SyncmasterN (talkcontribs)

So I was upgrading MW from 1.39 to 1.40 and following the guide here and here, I set $wgReadOnly in the LocalSettings.php, all things good, after completing the upgrade I started checking some of the pages for content and forgot to delete $wgReadOnly from config.

When trying to edit a page with VisualEditor, I was getting this error: Unable to fetch Parsoid HTML

I was sure this was an upgrade issue but it turns out that deleting the property is the fix.

Installed software

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.40.1
PHP 8.1.14 (fpm-fcgi)
ICU 67.1
MariaDB 10.6.11-MariaDB-1:10.6.11+maria~ubu2204
Lua 5.1.5
Pygments 2.11.2
  • In MW 1.39, VisualEditor still works when $wgReadOnly is set.


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Gallery mode packed not working

Sm8ps (talkcontribs)

VE-0.1.2 on MW-1.39.4 does allow the selection of "packed" for a gallery but does not include it in the resulting Wiki-code. Thus galleries always appear in mode "traditional". Am I the only one experiencing this issue? If not, could somebody point me to the right place for filing a bug report? I have never done it before. Thanks!

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Gallery mode packed not working"

VisualEditor in Namespace Project

Patafisik (talkcontribs)


I would love to be able to use the VisualEditor in projects and projects talks pages, please consider make it possible. Thank you for your attention,

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

This requires a config change. As long as there is community consensus (e.g., a discussion on that wiki) and no technical problems (e.g., the namespace does not contain huge pages like w:en:WP:ANI), then the team is happy to honor such requests. The instructions are in m:Requesting wiki configuration changes.

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bug of Find and replace

Patafisik (talkcontribs)
Reply to "bug of Find and replace"
Iniquity (talkcontribs)
Iniquity (talkcontribs)

Magic word __SOMMAIRE__

Summary by Jdforrester (WMF)
Patafisik (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi, many users are reporting that a mass adding of the magic word __SOMMAIRE__ ( like __TOC__) is happening on the French Wikipedia (1, 2), when editing with VisualEditor. Do you know anything about this?

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)
SSastry (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Yes, it is.

Reply to "Magic word __SOMMAIRE__"

Wikia credits missing from history?

Zblace (talkcontribs)

According to the Verge article it seems that there was a partnership in development of VE that should be referenced no? Anyone informed on how it went and how exceptional this was or not from regular WMF practices?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

The credits file for VisualEditor (as auto-published under Special:Version) lists the engineers from Wikia (Christian and Inez) alongside those from Wikimedia (and those from other organisations).

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Migrating extension to new version

Ti infotrad (talkcontribs)

I presently have a couple of extensions which are integrated with VisualEditor in MW 1.35. I am trying to migrate them to the new version (MW 1.39 RC1, downloaded zip) but I am getting a number of errors: non existing functions (template spec extend, onRawFallbackButtonClick, getParameterNames..). I have not been able to find documentation explaining how to migrate. Is there any available? Any help you can provide? I also could not find a list of extensions integrated in VE, which I could use to perform code comparisons.

Ti infotrad (talkcontribs)

And to be ultra precise, here is the error I am getting. Note I have not changed the code and it was working fine in my previous version of MW.

In my extension module, I have implemented the function insertTransclusionNode. In it, when inserting a new node, once I have build my object (getPlainObject), I call the following function

surfaceFragment.insertContent( [{type: 'gacdmslinker',attributes: {mw: obj,calaction: 'insert'}},{ type: '/gacdmslinker' }] );

and this is when I get the following error:

VM522:28 Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

    --> starting at object with constructor 'VeDmDocument'

    |     property 'bindings' -> object with constructor 'Object'

    |     property 'transact' -> object with constructor 'Array'

    |     ...

    |     property 'context' -> object with constructor 'VeDmInternalList'

    --- property 'document' closes the circle

    at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)

    at ve.dm.Surface.storeChanges (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.visualEditor.core%2Cmwtransclusion&skin=vector&version=1lvvz:180:941)

    at OO.EventEmitter.emit (<anonymous>:28:656)

    at ve.dm.Surface.breakpoint (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.visualEditor.core%2Cmwtransclusion&skin=vector&version=1lvvz:175:902)

The weird thing is, my object (gacdmslinkernode) is still created in the sense that, if I save the document and re-edit it with VE, it shows up correcly. However, the error seems to be preventing the insertion of the title of the object (but not of the associated icon) and instead it uses the page title as the title. And also, when I update an existing node, I get no error and it works fine.

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